Two burglaries hit the top-scale residential community at the Peak in two days in mid-October 2015. The news raised concerns over security for luxury homes.
Ensec Solutions, as a security expert, was invited for comment on the cases by Ming Pao and the Hong Kong Economic Journal.
Speaking to the newspapers, Ensec Solutions points out that in addition to video surveillance, coil and electric fencing, sensor cable, video analytic and, of a more advanced level, ground pressure sensor systems are some of the options for independent house and luxury home owners.
Ensec Solutions particularly stresses the cruciality of maintenance for all security systems because they must be able to achieve zero-downtime performance for loophole-free protection.
Click the images to read the articles.
Source: Hong Kong Economic Journal
Source: Ming Pao (Note: The cost for sensor cable system should be around HKD350,000 instead of HKD3,500,000)
Source: Ming Pao