Ensec Solutions 很榮幸於2016年「滙豐營商新動力」獎勵計劃的全部3個組別中獲頒殊榮,分別是「社區參與—優異獎狀」、「綠色成就—傑出獎狀」和「僱員關懷獎—傑出獎狀」,以表彰 Ensec Solutions 成功將社會及環境可持續發展原則融入企業運作,而這是 Ensec Solutions 連續第二年於計劃中獲獎。
想了解更多關於「滙豐營商新動力」獎勵計劃,請瀏覽 http://www.business.hsbc.com.hk/zh-hk/hk/campaign/living-business-2016。
Ensec Solutions (right), honoured in each of the three award categories, and Mr Albert Chan, Head of Commercial Banking, Hong Kong, HSBC (left)
Ensec Solutions (10 th from left) and other award recipients at the HSBC Living Business Awards 2016 Presentation Ceremony, November 21, 2016, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre