Ensec Solutions 的經營理念廣受認同,而公司近日更成為 2016 年度「最佳僱主」, 獎項由騰龍青年商會及香港中小型企業聯合會合辦,其旨在通過表揚優秀僱主與僱員,推廣 注重僱主與僱員之間緊密溝通、互惠互諒的企業文化,締造高績效並可成就員工不斷進步、 發揮潛能的工作環境,達至雙嬴。
Ensec Solutions 作為「最佳僱主」獎得主,擁六大優點:提供一個有利員工發展的環境、設良好薪酬及福利、給予所有人員公平機遇、積極履行社會責任、營造和諧工作環境,以及以誠待人,實踐尊重他人的美德。
Ensec Solutions 與僱員將繼續並肩努力,為客戶提供最滿意的保安系統和資訊科技解決方案。
Guest-of- honour Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. Stephen Sui, JP (second from right), presents the award to Ensec Solutions
“The Best Employee and Employer Award 2016” award presentation ceremony was held at Royal Plaza Hotel on 13 August 2016. The event was officiated by Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. Stephen Sui, JP (5 th from right, front row)